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This website has the sole purpose of disclosing the information and transparency regarding the management performed by FCL Capital to our investors, there is no intention to market any product or service. A careful reading of the prospectus of our funds before making any investment is recommended. The profitability obtained in the past is no guarantee of future profitability. The profitability disclosed is net of management fee and performance, but not net of taxes. For an evaluation of the performance of an investment fund, an analysis of the longest possible period of time, at least 12 (twelve) months, is recommended. Investment funds do not have a guarantee from the fund manager, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or the Credit Guarantee Fund – FGC. The Equity Fund FCL Opportunities may be exposed to a significant concentration in assets of a few issuers, with the resulting risks. The FCL Opportunities fund is authorized to make investments abroad as described in its respective regulations. For more information, please visit the Financial Education Portal of ANBIMA “How to Invest” (

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